Smart Capital

How much can you invest to make a decision?

Either if you are a novice entrepreneur with a fresh new idea or trying to scale up your business, you will be confronted with the same issue along your path: decision making. Every step of value creation requires you to acquire and invest resources to be able to make informed decisions: money, know-how, mentorship and networking. We call this Smart Capital. We understand how costly, complex and risky is to attract and manage it. Aquoin was created to help with all that: to provide individuals and organisations with an innovative framework to grow their ideas and a marketplace where smart capital can be exchanged and rewarded.

Dynamic Valuation

We have digitised the investment process of innovation to make it transparent and fair. Our solution enables individuals to become more aware of the relationship with capital and the risk involved. Aquoin enables you to engage, evaluate and reward your partners for the value they help creating to your innovation. 

Scientific approach

Aquoin's platform for Smart Capital management provides you with a scientific approach to entrepreneurial decision-making and a legal framework. So that you can you collect and elaborate information about the feasibility of your idea before committing resources to it. Use our legal framework and smart contracts to ensure this process is fair and transparent and build trust among your peers 

Create activities with a scientific approach

Secure your decisions in smart contracts

Allocate Smart Capital and reward it fairly

Understand the value of your decisions

Grow your venture's value


Smart Capital Management
Investment Management
Risk Management


Phone: +31 627 435 049


Rotterdam Science Tower 6th floor, Marconistraat 16, 3029AK Rotterdam
The Netherlands 
KvK 75770857

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